Solutions logo quiz tous les niveaux
On reprend aujourd’hui la remise de solutions logo quiz en ligne, on vous proposerais de la pure triche pour passer tous les niveaux du jeu logo quiz version Canadadroid. Nous avons présenté pour vous la plus simple façon à la lecture, les images de logos par niveau avec la solution au dessus du logo recherché.
Réponse logo quiz niveau 1 :

- 1-1: amazon
- 1-2: Barbie
- 1-3: Blockbuster
- 1-4: BMW
- 1-5: Burger King
- 1-6: Calvin Klein
- 1-7: Coca Cola
- 1-8: Dell
- 1-9: ebay
- 1-10: Evian
- 1-11: Facebook
- 1-12: IBM
- 1-13: Ikea
- 1-14: intel
- 1-15: Kelloggs
- 1-16: Loreal
- 1-17: Louis Vuitton
- 1-18: Marlboro
- 1-19: Mc Donalds
- 1-20: Mercedes
- 1-21: Microsoft
- 1-22: Monster
- 1-23: MTV
- 1-24: Pizza Hut
- 1-25: Pringles
- 1-26: Red Bull
- 1-27: Starbucks
- 1-28: Twitter
- 1-29: Volkswagen
- 1-30: Walt Disney
- 1-31: Wikipedia
- 1-32: Youtube
Soluce logo quiz niveau 2
- 2-1: Allianz
- 2-2: Audi
- 2-3: BlackBerry
- 2-4: Blizzard
- 2-5: Canon
- 2-6: Cisco
- 2-7: Citroen
- 2-8: Converse
- 2-9: Dreamworks
- 2-10: Firefox
- 2-11: Flickr
- 2-12: Armani
- 2-13: Harley Davidson
- 2-14: Heineken
- 2-15: Hello Kitty
- 2-16: HP
- 2-17: imdb
- 2-18: Jack Daniels
- 2-19: Levis
- 2-20: Linkedin
- 2-21: Lotto
- 2-22: Michelin
- 2-23: Mini
- 2-24: Minute Maid
- 2-25: MSN
- 2-26: Nasa
- 2-27: Nescafe
- 2-28: NB
- 2-29: Nike
- 2-30: Omega
- 2-31: Opel
- 2-32: Playstation
- 2-33: Quicksilver
- 2-34: Reebok
- 2-35: Rossignol
- 2-36: Rover
- 2-37: Samsung
- 2-38: SAP
- 2-39: Shell
- 2-40: Skoda
- 2-41: Sony Ericsson
- 2-42: Toyota
- 2-43: Virgin
- 2-44: VISA
- 2-45: Warner Bros
- 2-46: Windows
- 2-47: WWF
- 2-48: Yahoo
Solution logo quiz niveau 3
- 3-1: abc
- 3-2: American Eagle
- 3-3: AOL
- 3-4: Aston Martin
- 3-5: Atari
- 3-6: Baidu
- 3-7: Bluetooth
- 3-8: BP
- 3-9: Corona
- 3-10: Dacia
- 3-11: Dakine
- 3-12: Dove
- 3-13: Dunkin Donuts
- 3-14: EA
- 3-15: FBI
- 3-16: Fed Ex
- 3-17: Ferrari
- 3-18: Fiat
- 3-19: FIFA
- 3-20: Fila
- 3-21: Ford
- 3-22: GAP
- 3-23: Honda
- 3-24: HTC
- 3-25: KFC
- 3-26: KIA
- 3-27: Konica Minolta
- 3-28: Lacoste
- 3-29: Haagen Dazs
- 3-30: Napster
- 3-31: NBC
- 3-32: Netscape
- 3-33: NIkon
- 3-34: Nissan
- 3-35: Nokia
- 3-36: Olay
- 3-37: Panasonic
- 3-38: PayPal
- 3-39: Peugeot
- 3-40: Philips
- 3-41: Puma
- 3-42: Telefonica
- 3-43: Tissot
- 3-44: Tommy Hilfiger
- 3-45: United Colors of Benetton
- 3-46: Volvo
- 3-47: FIBA
- 3-48: Yamaha
Solution logo quiz niveau 4
- 4-1: Adidas
- 4-2: Amtrak
- 4-3: Anic Clothing
- 4-4: Ariel
- 4-5: Axa
- 4-6: Bayer
- 4-7: BBC
- 4-8: Bic
- 4-9: Bridgestone
- 4-10: Cadillac
- 4-11: Camper
- 4-12: Carrefour
- 4-13: Champion
- 4-14: Chanel
- 4-15: Chrysler
- 4-16: Discovery
- 4-17: Dodge
- 4-18: Dragon
- 4-19: Fanta
- 4-20: Firestone
- 4-21: GM
- 4-22: Goodyear
- 4-23: Google
- 4-24: Gordons Gin
- 4-25: Greenpeace
- 4-26: Guinness
- 4-27: HBO
- 4-28: Hilton
- 4-29: In N Out Burger
- 4-30: Johnnie Walker
- 4-31: Kleenex
- 4-32: Land Rover
- 4-33: Lays
- 4-34: Lego
- 4-35: LG
- 4-36: Lucas Arts
- 4-37: Lucky Strike
- 4-38: MG
- 4-39: Mitsubishi
- 4-40: Nestle
- 4-41: Nickelodeon
- 4-42: Nikita
- 4-43: Nintendo
- 4-44: The North Face
- 4-45: Nvidia
- 4-46: Opera
- 4-47: Porsche
- 4-48: Prada
- 4-49: Ray Ban
- 4-50: Renault
- 4-51: Smart
- 4-52: Sony
- 4-53: Subway
- 4-54: TDK
- 4-55: THQ
- 4-56: Timberland
- 4-57: Tom Tom
- 4-58: Toys R Us
- 4-59: Unilever
- 4-60: United Airlines
- 4-61: UPS
- 4-62: Vodafone
- 4-63: Winston
- 4-64: Xerox
Solution logo quiz niveau 5

- 5-1: acer
- 5-2: Air France
- 5-3: American Express
- 5-4: Barclays
- 5-5: Birdhouse
- 5-6: BNP Paribas
- 5-7: BT
- 5-8: Budwiser
- 5-9: Burberry
- 5-10: Burton
- 5-11: Cartier
- 5-12: Cartoon Network
- 5-13: Chupa Chups
- 5-14: C Net
- 5-15: CNN
- 5-16: Corvette
- 5-17: Daewoo
- 5-19: Dunlop
- 5-20: Forum
- 5-21: FOX
- 5-22: General Electric
- 5-23: Glaxo Smith Kline
- 5-24: Goldman Sachs
- 5-25: Gucci
- 5-26: Heinz
- 5-27: Helena Rubinstein
- 5-28: Hermes
- 5-29: Hertz
- 5-30: History
- 5-31: Hot Wheels
- 5-32: Hummer
- 5-33: ING
- 5-34: Jaguar
- 5-35: Jeep
- 5-36: John Smith
- 5-37: JVC
- 5-38: Lanciia
- 5-39: Lancome
- 5-40: Le coq sportif
- 5-41: Lexus
- 5-42: Lincoln
- 5-43: Lufthansa
- 5-44: Milka
- 5-45: Motorola
- 5-46: National geographic
- 5-47: NFL
- 5-48: Oracle
- 5-49: Pixar
- 5-50: Playboy
- 5-51: Post It
- 5-52: Prince
- 5-53: Ralph Lauren
- 5-54: Rolex
- 5-55: Roxy
- 5-56: Schwarzkopf
- 5-57: Schweppes
- 5-58: Taco Bell
- 5-59: Telenor
- 5-60: Tesco
- 5-61: Verizon
- 5-62: Wella
- 5-63: Xbox
- 5-64: Orange
Solution logo quiz niveau 6
- 6-1: Adecco
- 6-2: Aquafina
- 6-3: Ati
- 6-4: Atomic
- 6-5: Atp
- 6-6: Bentley
- 6-7: Breil
- 6-8: Bvlgari
- 6-9: Carhartt
- 6-10: Stabilo
- 6-11: Chase
- 6-12: Chevron
- 6-13: Citi Bank
- 6-14: Columbia
- 6-15: Comedy Central
- 6-16: Danone
- 6-17: Delta
- 6-18: DHL
- 6-19: Dior
- 6-20: Dolby Digital
- 6-21: Dominos Pizza
- 6-22: ESPN
- 6-23: ESSO
- 6-24: Exxon
- 6-25: Finnair
- 6-26: Fujitsu
- 6-27: Gatorade
- 6-28: Garmin
- 6-29: Hyundai
- 6-30: Iveco
- 6-31: Kappa
- 6-32: Kddi
- 6-33: Kenwood
- 6-34: Kraft
- 6-35: Lamborghini
- 6-36: Lee
- 6-37: MAC
- 6-38: Maserati
- 6-39: Mont Blanc
- 6-40: Mountain Dew
- 6-41: Nascar
- 6-42: Nespresso
- 6-43: Netflix
- 6-44: Olympus
- 6-45: PBS
- 6-46: Pfizer
- 6-47: Pirelli
- 6-48: Qualcomm
- 6-49: Ritz Carlton
- 6-50: Roche
- 6-51: Rowenta
- 6-52: Saab
- 6-53: Safeway
- 6-54: Santander
- 6-55: Sasnyo
- 6-56: SEGA
- 6-57: Sephora
- 6-58: Siemens
- 6-59: Sprite
- 6-60: Unesco
- 6-61: Whirlpool
- 6-62: WIFI
- 6-63: Yves Saint Laurent
- 6-64: Zara
Solution logo quiz niveau 7
- 7-1: ABN Amro
- 7-2: Alitalia
- 7-3: Amstel
- 7-4: Avon
- 7-5: Ellesse
- 7-6: BASF
- 7-7: Batman
- 7-8: Becks
- 7-9: Best Buy
- 7-10: Billabong
- 7-11: Cacharel
- 7-12: Castrol
- 7-13: CBS
- 7-14: China Telecom
- 7-15: Clinique
- 7-16: Compaq
- 7-17: Dewalt
- 7-18: Diadora
- 7-19: Donna Karan New York
- 7-20: Dr Pepper
- 7-21: Ducati
- 7-22: Ellesse
- 7-23: Galp Energia
- 7-24: Garnier
- 7-25: Hankook
- 7-26: Iberia
- 7-27: Instagram
- 7-28: Isuzu
- 7-29: John Deer
- 7-30: Juventus
- 7-31: Kelme
- 7-32: Kenzo
- 7-33: Kodak
- 7-34: Lada
- 7-35: Lexmark
- 7-36: Logitech
- 7-37: Longines
- 7-38: Maggi
- 7-39: Malibu
- 7-40: Mazda
- 7-41: Milton Bradley
- 7-42: Mizuno
- 7-43: Movistar
- 7-44: Nato
- 7-45: Pelikan
- 7-46: Perrier
- 7-47: Qantas
- 7-48: Quiznos
- 7-49: Reef
- 7-50: Rexona
- 7-51: Salomon
- 7-52: Samsonita
- 7-53: Sharp
- 7-54: Shimano
- 7-55: Speedo
- 7-56: Texaco
- 7-57: Tous
- 7-58: UBS
- 7-59: United Nations
- 7-60: Versace
- 7-61: Vogue
- 7-62: Jetblue
- 7-63: Zippo
- 7-64: ZTE
- 7-65: Zurich
Solution logo quiz niveau 8
- 8-1: Fosters
- 8-2: Gillette
- 8-3: Caterpillar
- 8-4: Alcatel
- 8-5: Paramount
- 8-6: Asics
- 8-7: Bank of America
- 8-8: Bradesco
- 8-9: Credit Suisse
- 8-10: Diesel
- 8-11: Duracell
- 8-12: Old Navy
- 8-13: Rotring
- 8-14: Staples
- 8-15: Airbus
- 8-16: Anon
- 8-17: Boeing
- 8-18: Dickies
- 8-19: Eithad Airways
- 8-20: Hasbro
- 8-21: The Home Depot
- 8-22: Iberdrola
- 8-23: MAN
- 8-24: Pontiac
- 8-25: Robobank
- 8-26: Sheraton
- 8-27: Ssangyoung
- 8-28: Stumbleupon
- 8-29: USPS
- 8-30: polaroid
- 8-31: Activision
- 8-32: Acura
- 8-33: Aig
- 8-34: Airness
- 8-35: Aiwa
- 8-36: Amstrad
- 8-37: Ballantines
- 8-38: Brita
- 8-39: Buick
- 8-40: Carolina Herrera
- 8-41: Mobil
- 8-42: Deutsche Bank
- 8-43: Electrolux
- 8-44: Kyocera
- 8-45: Mattel
- 8-46: Nitro
- 8-47: Reuters
- 8-48: Rolls Royce
- 8-49: Seat
- 8-50: SkullCandy
- 8-51: T Mobile
- 8-52: Tata
- 8-53: RBS
- 8-54: Always
- 8-55: TSN
- 8-56: Joma
- 8-57: Leica
- 8-58: Lucky Brand
- 8-59: Maybelline
- 8-60: Morgan
- 8-61: Oakley
- 8-62: UGG
- 8-63: Wii
- 8-64: ABB
- 8-65: Bebo
- 8-66: Tefal
- 8-67: Whole Foods
- 8-68: Holden
- 8-69: illy
- 8-70: Adio
- 8-71: Abbott
- 8-72: BBVA
- 8-73: Carlsberg
- 8-74: Chery
- 8-75: GMC
- 8-76: Coors
- 8-77: Lotus
- 8-78: KLM
- 8-79: Mikasa
- 8-80: Saturn
Solution logo quiz niveau 9
- 9-1: Sesame Street
- 9-2: AMD
- 9-3: Tag Heuer
- 9-4: Rip Curl
- 9-5: Piaggio
- 9-6: Hard Rock
- 9-7: Volcom
- 9-8: Daihatsu
- 9-9: Bugatti
- 9-10: Disney Channel
- 9-11: KPMG
- 9-12: Novartis
- 9-13: Pioneer
- 9-14: Repsol
- 9-15: Staedtler
- 9-16: Texaco
- 9-17: Umbro
- 9-18: Walmart
- 9-19: Adolfo Dominiguez
- 9-20: Aegon
- 9-21: Airwalk
- 9-22: Asiana Airlines
- 9-23: Panda
- 9-24: British Midland International
- 9-25: Banco Do Brasil
- 9-26: Kroenbour
- 9-27: Total
- 9-28: Rollerblade
- 9-29: Royal Mail
- 9-30: Show Time
- 9-31: Subaru
- 9-32: Target
- 9-33: Yoigo
- 9-34: Bacardi
- 9-35: Air New Zealand
- 9-36: British Airways
- 9-37: Chivas
- 9-38: Caterham
- 9-39: Cathay Pacific
- 9-40: Electric
- 9-41: HSBC
- 9-42: Jetblue
- 9-43: Gulf Air
- 9-44: Mahindra
- 9-45: Malaysia Airlines
- 9-46: Maybach
- 9-47: Novotel
- 9-48: PallMall
- 9-49: Santana
- 9-50: Spanair
- 9-51: State Bank of India
- 9-52: Swiss
- 9-53: Teka
- 9-54: Vans
- 9-55: Vauxhall
- 9-56: Vivo
- 9-57: Westjet
- 9-58: Dainese
- 9-59: Descente
- 9-60: Dropbox
- 9-61: Guerlain
- 9-62: Holiday Inn
- 9-63: KitKat
- 9-64: Loewe
- 9-65: Arena
- 9-66: Orbit
- 9-67: Bandai
- 9-68: Bosch
- 9-69: Mares
- 9-70: Seiko
- 9-71: Myspace
- 9-72: Pacha
- 9-73: Play Mobil
- 9-74: Mustang
- 9-75: Moto GP
- 9-76: Henkel
- 9-77: Konami
- 9-78: Loctite
- 9-79: Mit
- 9-80: Oreo
Solution logo quiz niveau 10
- 10-1: Texas Instruments
- 10-2: Ryanair
- 10-3: Petronas
- 10-4: Paco Rabanne
- 10-5: Stella Artois
- 10-6: Air Canada
- 10-7: Chubu Electric Power
- 10-8: Element
- 10-9: Price Waterhouse Coopers
- 10-10: Saudi Arabian Airlines
- 10-11: Shoei
- 10-12: Slazenger
- 10-13: Symantec
- 10-14: Absolut Vodka
- 10-15: All Nippon Airways
- 10-16: Cohiba
- 10-17: Emirates
- 10-18: Kawasaki
- 10-19: Landwind
- 10-20: Mercury
- 10-21: Petrochina
- 10-22: Smirnoff
- 10-23: Standard Chartered
- 10-24: TNT
- 10-25: Vueling
- 10-26: Castelli
- 10-27: Ironman
- 10-28: Harvard
- 10-29: Padi
- 10-30: Mcafee
- 10-31: Blogger
- 10-32: Dakar Rally
- 10-33: Oral B
- 10-34: Ubisoft
- 10-35: Stanford University
- 10-36: Yves Rocher
- 10-37: Playskool
- 10-38: Sprint
- 10-39: Nixon
- 10-40: Walls
- 10-41: Abarth
- 10-42: ACDC
- 10-43: Blu Ray
- 10-44: Daikin
- 10-45: Crayola
- 10-46: Duff Beer
- 10-47: Elf
- 10-48: Herbalife
- 10-49: Knex
- 10-50: Liebherr
- 10-51: KTM
- 10-52: Marshall
- 10-53: Olivetti
- 10-54: Givenchy
- 10-55: Play Doh
- 10-56: Steelcase
- 10-57: Starter
- 10-58: Orbea
- 10-59: Java
- 10-60: Bing
- 10-61: X Men
- 10-62: Asus
- 10-63: USB
- 10-64: Picasa
Solution logo quiz niveau 11
- 11-1: Star Alliance
- 11-2: Thai Airways
- 11-3: Austrian Airlines
- 11-4: Continental Airlines
- 11-5: Hummel
- 11-6: Lloyd Banking Group
- 11-7: NTT Docomo
- 11-8: Philip Morris
- 11-9: Singapore Airlines
- 11-10: Wrangler
- 11-11: Faber Castell
- 11-12: Energizer
- 11-13: Capcom
- 11-14: Pritt
- 11-15: Ubuntu
- 11-16: Oxford
- 11-17: Superman
- 11-18: Martini
- 11-19: Ghostbusters
- 11-20: Fisher Price
- 11-21: Babolat
- 11-22: Snickers
- 11-23: Red Cross
- 11-24: Aticod
- 11-25: Braun
- 11-26: Beefeather
- 11-27: Eastpak
- 11-28: Enel
- 11-29: Globe
- 11-30: Gopro
- 11-31: Nasdaq
- 11-32: Otis
- 11-33: The Beatles
- 11-34: Veet
- 11-35: Mothercare
- 11-36: Kingston
- 11-37: Kswiess
- 11-38: Verbatim
- 11-39: Oilily
- 11-40: Breitling
- 11-41: Peace
- 11-42: Sidi
- 11-43: JBL
- 11-44: DeLonghi
- 11-45: Walkman
- 11-46: Rovio
- 11-47: Vaio
- 11-48: Mars
- 11-49: Casio
- 11-50: Whatsapp
- 11-51: AXE
- 11-52: Twix
- 11-53: Air Wick
- 11-54: Biotherm
- 11-55: Dymo
- 11-56: Aprilia
- 11-57: OpenSuse
- 11-58: Tippex
- 11-59: Shimano
- 11-60: Toy story
- 11-61: Tupperware
- 11-62: Vespa
- 11-63: Wurth
- 11-64: Swarovski
Solution logo quiz niveau 12
- 12-1: Portugalia Airlines
- 12-2: South African Airways
- 12-3: Ministry of Sound
- 12-4: Juicy Couture
- 12-5: Fruit of the Loom
- 12-6: Cambridge
- 12-7: Monopoly
- 12-8: Pepe jeans
- 12-9: Oceanic Airlines
- 12-10: The Olympic Games
- 12-11: Oxfam
- 12-12: Marvel
- 12-13: Rockstar
- 12-14: Lindt
- 12-15: Deloitte
- 12-16: Cressi
- 12-17: Europcar
- 12-18: Festina
- 12-19: Friskies
- 12-20: Ibis
- 12-21: Mens Health
- 12-22: Miss Sixty
- 12-23: Powerade
- 12-24: Randstad
- 12-25: Soundcloud
- 12-26: Thyssenkrupp
- 12-27: Under Armour
- 12-28: Zodiac
- 12-29: V Energy Drink
- 12-30: Triumph
- 12-31: X Games
- 12-32: Uncle Bens
- 12-33: Nutella
- 12-34: Aperol
- 12-35: Yale
- 12-36: Tostitos
- 12-37: Fender
- 12-38: Digg
- 12-39: Toblerone
- 12-40: Action Man
- 12-41: Shazam
- 12-42: Groupon
- 12-43: Dharma
- 12-44: Photoshop
- 12-45: Munich
- 12-46: Brugal
- 12-47: Metallica
- 12-48: Aquarius
- 12-49: Festival de Cannes
- 12-50: Independent
- 12-51: Davidoff
- 12-52: Chilis
- 12-53: Lacie
- 12-54: brother
- 12-55: Hellboy
- 12-56: Autobots
- 12-57: Bose
- 12-58: Nestea
- 12-59: Shrek
- 12-60: Paper Mate
- 12-61: Estee Lauder
- 12-62: Costco
- 12-63: Li Ning
- 12-64: Vogue
- 12-65: Burn
- 12-66: Head
- 12-67: Ramones
- 12-68: Lebara
- 12-69: Fendi
- 12-70: Crunch
- 12-71: Emule
- 12-72: Major League Baseball
- 12-73: Dole
- 12-74: AGV
- 12-75: Yelp
- 12-76: Quicktime
- 12-77: Bellagio
- 12-78: Windows Phone
- 12-79: RSS
- 12-80: Canal Plus
Solution logo quiz niveau 13
- 13-1: Eneloop
- 13-2: Bank of China
- 13-3: Southwest Airlines
- 13-4: US Airways
- 13-5: Sun Microsystems
- 13-6: Kangol
- 13-7: Best Western
- 13-8: Spotify
- 13-9: Lonely Planet
- 13-10: Pilot
- 13-11: Reddit
- 13-12: Sergio Tacchini
- 13-13: Western Union
- 13-14: Western Digital
- 13-15: Crocs
- 13-16: Eurosport
- 13-17: Cirque Du Soleil
- 13-18: Incredibles
- 13-19: Jackass
- 13-20: Pepsico
- 13-21: Patek Philippe
- 13-22: Princeton
- 13-23: Clarin
- 13-24: Marriott
- 13-25: Nirvana
- 13-26: Scalextric
- 13-27: Gaggeanu
- 13-28: Purina Mills
- 13-29: Victoria Secret
- 13-30: Save the children
- 13-31: Jagermeister
- 13-32: Central Perk
- 13-33: Six Flags
- 13-34: Vichy
- 13-35: Creative
- 13-36: Tropicana
- 13-37: Flash
- 13-38: Yin Yang
- 13-39: The Simpsons
- 13-40: Wells Fargo
- 13-41: Vimeo
- 13-42: Star Wars
- 13-43: Central Intelligence Agency
- 13-44: Dunhill
- 13-45: Trident
- 13-46: Colgate
- 13-47: AXN
- 13-48: Forbes
- 13-49: Vtech
- 13-50: Vanish
- 13-51: Varta
- 13-52: Hattrick
- 13-53: Telmex
- 13-54: Apple
- 13-55: Jenga
- 13-56: Pop Cap
- 13-57: Tunein
- 13-58: Shiseido
- 13-59: Oneil
- 13-60: Piper
- 13-61: Samurai
- 13-62: Belinea
- 13-63: Netto
- 13-64: Dulux
- 13-65: Lost
- 13-66: OCC
- 13-67: Krups
- 13-68: Zott
- 13-69: Pacman
- 13-70: Eset
- 13-71: Lidl
- 13-72: WNBA
- 13-73: Imax
- 13-74: Metacafe
- 13-75: Peta
- 13-76: Emu
- 13-77: Le Monde
- 13-78: Mammut
- 13-79: Nandos
- 13-80: Leda
Solution logo quiz niveau 14
- 14-1: Al Jazeera
- 14-2: Huawei
- 14-3: Time
- 14-4: Etnies
- 14-5: Gibson
- 14-6: Aeroflot
- 14-7: Magnum
- 14-8: Cheerios
- 14-9: Foursquare
- 14-10: Whiskas
- 14-11: Seagate
- 14-12: Chips Ahoy
- 14-13: Air Jordan
- 14-14: Bubba Gump
- 14-15: British Leyland
- 14-16: Nielsen
- 14-17: Cosmopolitan
- 14-18: Golden Grahams
- 14-19: Oscar Mayer
- 14-20: Meccano
- 14-21: Diners Club
- 14-22: British American Tabacco
- 14-23: Turkish Airlines
- 14-24: Tour de France
- 14-25: Rolling Stones
- 14-26: Ninja Turtles
- 14-27: Internet Explorer
- 14-28: Granini
- 14-29: Dreamcast
- 14-30: Japan Airlines
- 14-31: The New York Times
- 14-32: Zeiss
- 14-33: Koss
- 14-34: Toni and Guy
- 14-35: Office
- 14-36: Quiksilver
- 14-37: Miramax
- 14-38: Google Maps
- 14-39: Maestro
- 14-40: RMHC
- 14-41: Gameloft
- 14-42: ATT
- 14-43: Disneyland
- 14-44: Torrid
- 14-45: Polo
- 14-46: Elmundo
- 14-47: Jagwire
- 14-48: Bet and Win
- 14-49: Indesit
- 14-50: Rummikub
- 14-51: Vuelta a Espana
- 14-52: Sopranos
- 14-53: Keyence
- 14-54: Easyjet
- 14-55: Roots
- 14-56: Heroes
- 14-57: Facebook Messenger
- 14-58: Nuvo
- 14-59: Denon
- 14-60: Benihana
- 14-61: Rewe
- 14-62: DEA
- 14-63: Zellers
- 14-64: Dilmah
- 14-65: STP
- 14-66: Flipboard
- 14-67: Hoya
- 14-68: Jlo
- 14-69: Lorus
- 14-70: Lowepro
- 14-71: Ecco
- 14-72: Scifi
- 14-73: AWACS
- 14-74: BTCC
- 14-75: Persol
- 14-76: Eurocopter
- 14-77: Veolia
- 14-78: Crosair
- 14-79: Libbys
Solution logo quiz niveau 15
- 15-1: Green Giant
- 15-2: Ernst and Young
- 15-3: Columbia University
- 15-4: University of Chicago
- 15-5: Lexmark
- 15-6: Guns N Roses
- 15-7: Spiderman
- 15-8: Pokerstars
- 15-9: Yoplait
- 15-10: Foot Locker
- 15-11: Ferrero Rocher
- 15-12: Harry Potter
- 15-13: Manolo Blahnik
- 15-14: Commandos
- 15-15: Champions League
- 15-16: Amnesty International
- 15-17: Gamecube
- 15-18: Black and Decker
- 15-19: Captain America
- 15-20: Bombay Sapphite
- 15-21: Royal Canin
- 15-22: Quilmes Cristal
- 15-23: Fishermans Friend
- 15-24: Dolce Gusto
- 15-25: Glycine
- 15-26: Berghaus
- 15-27: Google Drive
- 15-28: GiJoe
- 15-29: Punisher
- 15-30: Appstore
- 15-31: Safari
- 15-32: Roland Garros
- 15-33: Max Payne
- 15-34: MGM Grand
- 15-35: Sonim
- 15-36: Associated Press
- 15-37: Silverstone
- 15-38: Sram
- 15-39: Dynamotive
- 15-40: DROetker
- 15-41: Stanley
- 15-42: Karcher
- 15-43: Furby
- 15-44: Kookaburra
- 15-45: Endomondo
- 15-46: Pillsbury
- 15-47: Kaspersky Lab
- 15-48: Maxuell House
- 15-49: Huggies
- 15-50: Alienware
- 15-51: Certina
- 15-52: NCAA
- 15-53: Buzz
- 15-54: LiveLeak
- 15-55: MCCain
- 15-56: Democrats
- 15-57: Masterchef
- 15-58: Maersk
- 15-59: Yonex
- 15-60: Quechua
- 15-61: Turner Classic Movies
- 15-62: KYB
- 15-63: Quaker
- 15-64: Grey Goose
- 15-65: Tetley
- 15-66: Spar
- 15-67: Douglas
- 15-68: Mv Agusta
- 15-69: Sikorsky
- 15-70: Roncato
- 15-71: Tesla
- 15-72: Gosh
- 15-73: Babor
- 15-74: Camelbak
- 15-75: Petco
- 15-76: Mavic
- 15-77: Giro
- 15-78: Deuter
- 15-79: Jansport
- 15-80: Corny
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On espère que cette série de solutions vous a aidé à trouver les logos qui vous manquaient.